Tuesday, July 26, 2011


My parenting style has really changed over the years.  When my children were little – I felt like they needed to experience and try a number of things and we forged ahead without deep detailed plans.  You know how they say a little knowledge can be dangerous?  Well, you know, I picked up a degree or two; had some continue education and the opportunity to pursue one of my joys which is human development.  I’m fascinated by the whole reproductive process and just how MAGNIFICIENTLY made we are – even from birth!  With all the new child development theories on hand – I’m amazed I can walk, talk and chew bubble gum all at the same time if I so chose – cause I know my people didn’t take none of this stuff into consideration when I was kiddo. 

As a result of all this knowledgy (yep, it’s a new word) or plain ole age, on my second round of parenting and in my grand parenting; I find myself always thinking about safety.  I keep telling the little kiddos to “not do this/don’t do that; be careful; stop running; get off of that; you’re going to hurt yourself; you gonna scar yourself for life;  stop before you bust your head; you gonna put your eye out or slip and fall and hurt someone else!”  I mean the list goes on and on and on….  There have been times when I have twisted and turned myself near personal injury trying to keep them safe – and they glide on laughing all the way – as I crippled on to my bed to recover! 

But, what I’m about to tell you is the truth; the whole truth; nothing but the truth!! 


This is what had happened; now, for over 12 years I have lived down the street from a dear brother/friend.  We were children when we met and over the years he’s been a very good brother to me.  For 12 years, he’s been on his way down to visit me at my home. 

On the evening in question, I had a phone call from him telling me that a “historical moment was about to happen” – he was coming to visit. As we settled in to catch up and enjoy a little visit; my niece came running in the room holding a small white object. 

She ran straight to her grandmother and announced to us that the 3 year old (almost 4 year old) had “lost his tooth” with him running quickly behind her.  Grandma accepted the small white object and examined it. 

Now, Grandma was in the middle of some of her creative joy.  She was cutting out some cute little cards she’d created for one of the bandits and had a pair of scissors in her hands when they ran upon her. 


As did the true probability of a 3 year old having lost a tooth by natural means, as I sat next to my brother/friend on the sofa.   I mumbled aloud “and if he knocked the tooth out what are the dental health ramifications of losing a tooth 2 years ahead of schedule?”   

By this time, my brother/friend was laid out laughing.  I mean my whole house was in an uproar!  I was thinking to myself, “What kind of insanity has entered our home – WHAT THE HECK IS REALLY GOING ON?”  I mean, I’m sure we put the keystone cops to shame some days but this was a whole different ridiculous level.   

So grandma, the three year old and the scissors counted the teeth in the boys head.  She announced “this tooth didn’t come out of this mouth.” 

Then I was handed the majestic white “tooth.”  I took one look at the object in the palm of my hand and announced to the 3 year old bandit, “Boy, you will not start up this salt rock mess again!  This isn’t a tooth it is SALT ROCK!” 

See, when the ice and snow had been at its’ height this past winter season, the 3 year old thought he was the little brother to the Morton Salt Girl.  We vacuumed salt rock up three times in one day off the stairs behind him being so industrious!  He also took a spin at sprinkling more salt rock on other days through the house.  

And the 6 year old ran off to her room with her melodious laugh bouncing off the walls.


  1. Yes these kids will be the death of us! I am ALWAYS a nervous WRECK!! I have been preparing myself for a concussion or fractured bone...I'm just saying...its coming! Mrs. Pope

  2. Who is Mrs. Pope?
