Thursday, February 14, 2013



I have a number of male brother/friends.  Some of them are married.  One of the things I generally love most about my married brother/friend’s is their wives and how they express their care and concern for that woman to me.  Don’t get me wrong – I don’t covet what she has with him.  I celebrate and support it. 
My dear beloved brother/friend’s wife moved to glory recently (I can’t adequately express how my heart grieves this).   Although he’s my friend, I too felt that she was my friend.  I can remember times when I would call for him and she and I would get to talking and I would even forget I had called him. 
I would see her out and about looking all cute and she would pose for pictures that I would later email to him to tease him about how cute his beloved was looking.  I would also tease them about hanging out and about in “luv.”  They were happy with each other. 
I’ve never known him without her.  I don’t even know their love story and ya’ll know how I love a great love story.  But I do know some things about their love.  Smile 
What do I think I know?  I know he loves her.  I know she’s loved him well and he knows he is loved.  I know he has expressed so much love for her he’s almost convinced me that I want that kind of love.  Because despite the great loss he is suffering, he’s told me time and time again, “It was worth all of this (pain/anguish/loss).”
I need to say aloud how very brave I view my brother/friend to be.  He’s able to express his heartfelt grief while also sharing his continued hope.  I’m ever so humbled by his ability to keep it all straight in his own mind… in his spirit (God is the Able One).
A couple of years ago I met a man on an airplane that had a very interesting wedding band on his finger.  The band of silver had lettering that appeared to be Hebrew.  The flight was going to be short so I wasted little time asking him what his ring said.  He indicated that the words are taken from the book of Ruth and basically mean, “Where you go I will go.” 
I found those words to be very powerful and just beautiful.  I must confess, standing witness to my beloved brother/friend’s love with his beautiful wife has moved me past the “almost” phase (smile) – I’m actually thinking I need to go all out for that kind of love. 
I wish this love for you too.  Happy Valentine’s Day! 
…Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay… Ruth 1:16




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