I will be honest and let you know that this has been a very difficult blog for me to write. The reason being each time I consider the details – I get this burning rage of righteous indignation.
I don’t need to tell you that things are going roughly at this time in our country. I don’t need to tell you the price of everything is going higher and higher. And, I probably don’t need to tell you that I’m thinking that there is a conspiracy involved in how this mess is unfolding.
But, let me share my observations that have crystallized in my mind as being the reality of the matter. See, this topic got super hot for me the first day gas went over the price of $3. It was like I had an out of body experience when I looked at the sign and saw $3.14 (I know it is $3.69-$3.79 now).
I said to myself, “Look at how the gas has dropped in price since this morning.” I just couldn’t immediately absorb the fact that gas was more than I had ever seen it before in my lifetime. I felt a low burning frustration that left me mumbling as I went about my nightly routine. My mother asked me what my problem was but I was only able to keep repeating $3.14.
This state of mind went on for a few days before I was able to verbalize my real doubt (about increased prices being about anything other than stealing from the consumer) and frustration, in English, to those around me. I began wondering, as consumers, if we need to move towards REVOLUTION! Yes, I know that it would be as beneficial as those emails that go around saying boycott the gas station on this day – I mean really whether you fill up the day before or the day after – they still getting paid AND we still need fuel and other things.
I went so far as to ask a close friend if he would enter the REVOLUTION! with me (keep in mind I drive hundreds of miles a week to get to and from work). But, for some reason, he didn’t totally trust my motivations - but - to keep the peace he told me he wasn’t sure. He indicated he needed more information before he could commit to such a thing as he could see himself doing a lot of time (following me around) and I would be off on my next crusade. IMAGINE THAT!
Okay, so shortly after I modified my meager budget to include more money for gasoline – I noted a suspicious happening with the total price for groceries! At this point, I really had to be careful because I’m the kind that once I lock in on something – I won’t let it go until I’m 100% satisfied. I had to find the least self consuming way to get my concerns across because the majority of what I was considering doing was going to take me hours and hours to execute!
You’re probably wondering, “WHAT THE HECK IS SHE TALKING ABOUT?” Okay, I was thinking about cross referencing my receipts between two local stores to see where I was getting the better price. Now, I’ve worked hard for years to try and spend my money with the local grocery chain because it is the only company that has a store in what I call central Topeka (Huntoon) where a number of families with young children and low resources reside. I felt concerned about where they would be able to shop if that store closed down like so many others stores in other neighborhoods.
I held on and was able to maintain my resistance until I read a little article in one of my favorite little magazines that indicated that food prices would increase 3-4% this year. And then it happened; I broke and the thoughts and words spilled! I know good and well my expenses have increased more than a mere 3-4%!
Don’t get me wrong, I have total confidence in God’s ability to meet our needs. I would be remiss and very shamed before the All Mighty to not state this upfront for the record.
Okay, so what is the thing that is working under my skin? Somebody (big business, congress, the powers that be or whatever “they” are calling themselves) thinks we STU·PID! What do I base this claim upon?
· Reportedly, food prices are increasing because of poor crops due to bad weather.
· Reportedly, clothing prices will be increasing because of poor cotton crops due to bad weather.
· Reportedly, the price of energy resources (oil & gas) is based on speculation (not actual supplies) about the impact of current events and the prospects are looking bad; okay allegedly slightly better – I mean pennies better – since the head of al-Qaida was located.
1. The federal government provides farming subsidies to mitigate losses due to bad weather!
2. You mean after all that oil spilling in the gulf; the company spokesperson admitting on national television that it was the company’s fault; President Obama letting the company know they’d do well to not pay their stock holders again before cleaning up their mess; folks not being properly compensated by the company as they were supposed to be (you remember the commercials that aren’t seen anymore - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7w8Aw5Byis8) that they only suffered a $17 billon dollar loss – but still a profit - (http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2011/02/profits_v_prices.html) while others doubled their profits? (http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/business/energy/7395954.html) –
and I’m supposed to be at peace with the gas and home energy prices rising due to
S-P-E-C-U-L-A-T-I-O-N? P-L-E-A-S-E!!!
3. Big oil is bringing in profits like they are printing money themselves; federal government is 14 trillion dollars in the whole but some of the government as well as big oil thinks it’s a bad idea to cease the subsidy payments to that industry. R-E-A-L-L-Y?
4. That same local grocery chain acts like they’re really working with the community and says it is possible to earn points toward gas discounts but they put a 35 gallon limit on what you can get. So, although your points may add up (and a lot faster with the prices rising) you still are only gonna get so much which = never breaking even or getting ahead!
5. I can’t even speak to the whole federal budget hot mess of alleged budget cutting (what is a million/billion dollar cut in the face of 14 trillion?)
6. COME ON NOW – HOW MANY TIMES WE GOT TO PAY FOR THE SAME THING? We do recognize all these industries are getting paid several times over for the same item.
Is it really right to try and make up alleged profit deficits off our backs?